Base code

General structure

In the previous chapter you've created a Vulkan project with all of the proper configuration and tested it with the sample code. In this chapter we're starting from scratch with the following code:

class Application {
    public void run() {

    private void initVulkan() {

    private void mainLoop() {

    private void cleanup() {

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            var app = new Application();
        catch (Throwable e) {

The program itself is wrapped into a class where we'll store the Vulkan objects as private class members and add functions to initiate each of them, which will be called from the initVulkan function. Once everything has been prepared, we enter the main loop to start rendering frames. We'll fill in the mainLoop function to include a loop that iterates until the window is closed in a moment. Once the window is closed and mainLoop returns, we'll make sure to deallocate the resources we've used in the cleanup function.

If any kind of fatal error occurs during execution then we'll throw a RuntimeException exception with a descriptive message, which will propagate back to the main function and be printed to the command prompt. To handle a variety of standard exception types as well, we catch the more general java.lang.Throwable. One example of an error that we will deal with soon is finding out that a certain required extension is not supported.

Roughly every chapter that follows after this one will add one new function that will be called from initVulkan and one or more new Vulkan objects to the private class members that need to be freed at the end in cleanup.

Resource management

Just like each chunk of memory allocated with malloc requires a call to free, every Vulkan object that we create needs to be explicitly destroyed when we no longer need it. While in Java there are several ways to manage resources automatically, however, I've chosen to be explicit about allocation and deallocation of Vulkan objects in this tutorial. After all, Vulkan's niche is to be explicit about every operation to avoid mistakes, so it's good to be explicit about the lifetime of objects to learn how the API works.

After following this tutorial, you could implement automatic resource management by writing Java classes that acquire Vulkan objects in their constructor and release them in maybe Autoclosable::close, depending on your ownership requirements. RAII is the recommended model for larger Vulkan programs, but for learning purposes it's always good to know what's going on behind the scenes.

Vulkan objects are either created directly with functions like vkCreateXXX, or allocated through another object with functions like vkAllocateXXX. After making sure that an object is no longer used anywhere, you need to destroy it with the counterparts vkDestroyXXX and vkFreeXXX. The parameters for these functions generally vary for different types of objects, but there is one parameter that they all share: pAllocator. This is an optional parameter that allows you to specify callbacks for a custom memory allocator. We will ignore this parameter in the tutorial and always pass null as argument.

Initializing GLFW

Vulkan works perfectly fine without creating a window if you want to use it for off-screen rendering, but it's a lot more exciting to actually show something! Add a initWindow function and add a call to it from the run function before the other calls. We'll use that function to initialize GLFW and create a window.

public void run() {

private void initWindow() {

Unlike in LWJGL or some other wrappers, with vulkan4j, you need to manually load both library and the library functions. Firstly we need to load GLFW native library into the JVM. This can be done with a single line of code:


Then we want to load the GLFW functions. Add a private field to the Application class:

private GLFW glfw;

And then initialize it in the initWindow function:

private void initWindow() {
    // ...
    glfw = GLFWLoader.loadGLFW();

Then we can call glfwInit() to initialize the GLFW library. If it fails, we'll throw an exception:

if (glfw.glfwInit() != GLFWConstants.GLFW_TRUE) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize GLFW");

Then we will check Vulkan support with glfwVulkanSupported():

if (glfw.glfwVulkanSupported() != GLFWConstants.GLFW_TRUE) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Vulkan is not supported");

Then we start giving GLFW hints about the window we want to create. Because GLFW was originally designed to create an OpenGL context, we need to tell it to not create an OpenGL context with a subsequent call:

glfw.glfwWindowHint(GLFWConstants.GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFWConstants.GLFW_NO_API);

Because handling resized windows takes special care that we'll look into later, disable it for now with another window hint call:

glfw.glfwWindowHint(GLFWConstants.GLFW_RESIZABLE, GLFWConstants.GLFW_FALSE);

All that's left now is creating the actual window. Add a private class member to store the window handle:

private GLFWwindow window;

And then initialize it with glfwCreateWindow:

window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, ByteBuffer.allocateString(, "Vulkan"), null, null);

The first three parameters specify the width, height and title of the window. The fourth parameter allows you to optionally specify a monitor to open the window on and the last parameter is only relevant to OpenGL.

It's a good idea to use constants instead of hardcoded width and height numbers because we'll be referring to these values a couple of times in the future. Also, using constants helps reducing expression size. I've added the following constants in the Application class definition:

private static final int WIDTH = 800;
private static final int HEIGHT = 600;
private static final ByteBuffer WINDOW_TITLE = ByteBuffer.allocateString(, "Vulkan");

and replaced the window creation call with

window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT, WINDOW_TITLE, null, null);

You should now have a initWindow function that looks like this:

private void initWindow() {
    glfw = GLFWLoader.loadGLFW();
    if (glfw.glfwInit() != GLFWConstants.GLFW_TRUE) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize GLFW");

    if (glfw.glfwVulkanSupported() != GLFWConstants.GLFW_TRUE) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Vulkan is not supported");

    glfw.glfwWindowHint(GLFWConstants.GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFWConstants.GLFW_NO_API);
    glfw.glfwWindowHint(GLFWConstants.GLFW_RESIZABLE, GLFWConstants.GLFW_FALSE);
    window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT, WINDOW_TITLE, null, null);

To keep the application running until either an error occurs or the window is closed, we need to add an event loop to the mainLoop function as follows:

private void mainLoop() {
    while (glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window) == GLFWConstants.GLFW_FALSE) {

This code should be fairly self-explanatory. It loops and checks for events like pressing the X button until the window has been closed by the user. This is also the loop where we'll later call a function to render a single frame.

Once the window is closed, we need to clean up resources by destroying it and terminating GLFW itself. This will be our first cleanup code:

private void cleanup() {

When you run the program now you should see a window titled Vulkan show up until the application is terminated by closing the window. Now that we have the skeleton for the Vulkan application, let's create the first Vulkan object!